Active Shooter!!!
As a member of the Fort Bend County Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), I often attend update training meetings. Last week, we had an “active shooter” seminar.Not thinking, I sat down front with a friend, sipping coffee. During the riveting session, I learned several things:
1. Don’t sit down front. The shooter can sneak up on you
2. Sit in the back near an exit, and try to look invisible
3. Know where every exit is located
4. Think about where you could hide if a shooter enters the room
5. If you have fight, what could you use as a weapon
By the time the class was over, I was suspicious of everyone, including my friend. However, I appreciated the good warning, and have learned how to make a plan in case an active shooter scenario develops. Hopefully, you are prepared?
Do you remember the term “duck and cover?” Since the Cold War bomb drills of the 60’s, we have learned a lot about protection. Back then, we were fairly sure that we could survive a nuclear attack by hiding under our school desks. Really? Now, it is not even recommended to hide under your desk from an active shooter, much less a nuclear attack.
Our seminar teacher presented an active shooter plan sanctioned by the Department of Homeland Security. It has three basic elements: Run. Hide. Fight. In case you are caught in an active shooting situation, plan ahead to do one of the following:
1. Run: If an active shooter is in your vicinity, evacuate the area. Leave your belongings behind, help others get away, and call 9-1-1
2. Hide: If evacuation is not possible, lock the doors, silence your cell phone, remain quite, find a place that is not a trap
3. Fight: As a last resort, and only when your life is in imminent danger. Try to incapacitate the shooter, be aggressive, improvise weapons, and be committed to see it through.
As the teacher presented these directives, I quickly noted several spiritual correlations. Sin is our “active shooter.” It is sin that destroys our fellowship with God, and crushes the glorious life He offers. The wise Christian has a plan to handle temptation when it comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10).
1. Run from sin: The aged Apostle Paul told young Timothy to “flee from youthful passions” (2 Timothy 2:22) Vocalist Lowell Lundstrom used to sing, “Run boy run, Delilah’s gonna get you; run, boy run, she’s gonna cut your hair!” When the terrorists of sin barges into your life, run from temptation like Joseph (Genesis 39:12). Joy in Christ is found when sin is disappearing in your rear-view mirror.
2. Hide from sin: This is best expressed in Colossians 3:3, “Your life is now hidden with Christ in God.” When we remove ourselves from the place of exposure, we find safety and comfort. People who allow themselves to be in the place of temptation, become vulnerable, and easily deceived. It was King David who said of the Lord, “You are my hiding place.”
3. Fight sin: Paul reminded Timothy that there would be a time to fight. He called it “the good fight of Faith.” (1 Timothy 6:12) The Lord has provided everything we will need for battle. As it says in Ephesians 6:11, “Put on the full armor of God.” But be encouraged because “the battle is not yours, but God’s.” (2 Chronicles 20:15)
The call today is to be watchful and aware of your surroundings. The enemy preys on the unsuspecting soul that is all wrapped up in their own selfish pleasures. Remember the words of 1 Peter 5:8, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about seeking whom he may devour.” Don’t let it be you!