GOD & TEXAS: Bagpipes in the Alamo
Did you know that bagpipes, a fiddle and a bugle were prominent musical instruments being played during the Battle of the Alamo? David...
GOD & TEXAS: Bells Texas
My Caller ID displayed “Bells Texas.” Though the caller left no voicemail, I wondered where this town got that charming name. Bells is in...
GOD & TEXAS: DFW Rivalry
The rivalry between Dallas and Fort Worth started a long time ago. While the specific origins are unknown, several incidents occurred in...
GOD & TEXAS: Buffalo Nickel
The other day I was looking for quarters in my big bag of loose coins. You may have a similar bag or jar where you toss spare change from...
GOD and TEXAS: Camp Meeting at Chappell Hill
After the Battle of San Jacinto, the new Republic of Texas was practically unmanageable. Taming Texas was akin to breaking or training a...
GOD & TEXAS: Leander Randon Millican
Lallie had a way with words. Even as a young teen, people were impressed with his communication skills. Lallie could be trusted to...
GOD & TEXAS: Stuart Hamblen - Singing Cowboy
Stuart was the rebellious son of a preacher and refused the “narrow” road. Instead, he chose the “broad way” of riotous living. Because...
GOD & TEXAS: Generation Z at the Alamo
Would members of Generation Z fight in the Battle of the Alamo if it happened today? Historical records indicate that one-half of the...
GOD & TEXAS: Self-burial in Pecos
Do you remember sweet Pecos cantaloupes? For more than a century, the West Texas town of Pecos harvested and shipped the sweet melons...
GOD & TEXAS: Mother of Pentecost
Born a slave in 1847, Lucy would one day impact the world to a greater extent than her renowned uncle Frederick Douglass. Having already...